Originally Posted By: keith
The liberal left moron rocky mtn bill wants us all to believe his DNC lies and propaganda. He wants us to believe that the vastly improved employment opportunities of blue collar workers and minorities is just some fiction printed in the National Enquirer.

His anti-gun hero Obama told us that chronic high unemployment and stagnant wages would be the new normal.Obama helped to create ISIS, and let it spread across the Middle East, and even threaten us here. Trump anhiliated ISIS. We no longer have North Korea threatening to launch nukes at our west coast thanks to Donald Trump. We have a robust economy and stock market that is enriching the 401-K's of the working class. We have better trade deals and lower corporate taxes and less regulations, that aren't driving hundreds of thousands of jobs overseas.

And we have stupid lying Democrat sheep like Billy... who want to return anti-gunners to the White House, and flush the country down the same Socialist toilet as Venezuela. But Billy has a good excuse for not being able to see how much better we are with Trump as our President. It's hard for Billy to see anything when his head is so far up his ass.

What that guy said.

Bill is clearly unhappy about lower taxes, energy independence, historically wage and employment growth, and wants to credit BHO, who said “those jobs are gone” for the 6 million manufacturing jobs that have returned.

Did you notice that when the Mullahs in Iran made mischief in the Strait of Hormuz, the price of fuel didn’t go up, Bill?

Obama didn’t build that, Bill. Trump did. I only wish you were bright enough to see it.
