Originally Posted By: King Brown
Re your earlier question on gun reform here, craig. "Reform" because citizens make choices on how they want to live, and gun law is federal responsibility, currently being debated nationally, consequence of federal election a few months away and a spate of gang shootings in Toronto, whose mayor is proposing handgun ban, if only for his city.

Reform is a good word for it because Canadians generally realize banning handguns is not a solution. It could be part of a solution, cutting violence through better background checks, refusing ownership to felons, stricter regulations, already among strictest in the world....

Heres a good example of mildly veiled honesty, reform used to stir good feelings? Why dont you work on reforming elites beholden to big corp. pot, whore trying to entrap Canadas future in addiction. Dont forget, some feel nothing good can come from the pleasure weed, eh, cept for new markets for better drugs.