What the hell are you talking about Geo? NRA Director Marion Hammer recently said the the NRA Board has vetted the charges Ollie North made against Wayne LaPierre, and that his allegations were part of a failed coup attempt. You are soundiing a lot like your anti-gun pal King Brown here.

And if you never trusted Trump, then why did you pretend that you supported him? Are you in the habit of supporting people you don't trust? I thought lawyers were smarter than that.

Red Flag Laws are just another tool in the anti-gunner's arsenal. The beginning of the end for gun owners is when FUDD's and Libtard gun owners thought that they could trust the Liberal Left Democrats who work relentlessly to gut the 2nd Amendment Rights of law abiding U.S. Citizens.

Anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats are working very hard right now to discredit our pro-2nd Amendment President Donald Trump, the NRA, and all gun owners. Why are you helping them?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.