Nope King, I didn't complain about any wardrobe malfunction that exposed a girl's nipple. I could see where that might be offensive to Stevie though.

Why don't you ask Canadian Customs and the RCMP whether illegally transporting a pistol across the U.S.- Canadian border would constitute a felony. You could show them your posts you made here and see if they believe that it was a Savage model 24, and how much difference that might make.

Were you really charged with treason in Canada King? It wouldn't surprise me considering how you work so hard to advance Socialism and to undermine our 2nd Amendment. But considering all of the lies you've been caught telling, I would need to see proof. Same goes for the story about getting jailed by Castro or getting dragged out to die in a ditch (talk about blowing a happy ending to a story).

So now you're suggesting that you engaged in adultery and whoring during war and peacekeeping? Sounds a lot like Hillary Clinton lying about ducking under snipers bullets as her plane landed in
Bosnia. Especially doubtful considering all the times you told us that you were a good Baptist boy who blushed at the sight of a bare ankle.

The worst enemy of a liar is someone with a good memory.

Get a life. And grow up already. Don't you think you're too old to still be making up a fictional life? Do something constructive like showing us proof that you did anything to help eliminate the Canadian Long Gun registry. Then explain why someone who actually wished to eliminate a gun registry in Canada would then be in favor of us having one here? Or tell us why it bothered you so much to have a link to NRA-PVF or a small picture of Reagan in my tag line, but it bothers you not at all that your pal Stevie has a running ad for his gunsmithing business and is always hawking his gunsmith services and gun importation services here.

He's hoping that question will just fade away. Sometimes, doxxing comes back to bite one in the ass, eh?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.