Originally Posted By: canvasback

Lies, Damn lies and Statistics. The Sound Bite. These are your stock in trade. Little snippets of facts artfully arranged to support your truth. Combined with a OCD driven paranoia. Too bad you are making a mess of Dave's forum.

Are you speaking of the lies from your friend's King and Stevie, or Stevie's statistics from well known anti-gunners? Look who is engaging in projection here.

And perhaps you can show us exactly where I said that you complained to Dave???

Originally Posted By: canvasback

Keith, I know you aren't concerned about being attacked. I never said anything about that.

So you "never said anything about that"??? Geez Mustela frenata, it was less than an hour ago...

Originally Posted By: canvasback

Seeing a trend yet? You reap what you sow. Quit attacking people and surprise surprise, people might not attack you. Or jOe.

Oh my gosh... another little snippet to support my truth! I have to wonder why this truth is "my truth"... but it isn't your truth??? I'm guessing the answer to that has something to do with your apparent agenda.

When I mentioned that you would continue to lie about your friend Stevie starting things here quite often, I expected that you would not admit it. And you certainly didn't disappoint.

This disingenuous crap had a lot to do with the PM I sent you a couple months ago, ending what I mistakenly thought was a friendship. I continue to be shocked that I was fooled by you for so long. Enjoy your friendship with King and Stevie and Bob Trash. You all deserve each other.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.