Congrats Show-Me;
My wife & I just made 59 in March. From your pic though we are a mite older than the two of you.

Saying the Ozarks reminded me of what a former co-worker told. I was an apprentice machinist & he was nearing retirement. Anyway prior to entering the machinist trade he had driven a truck for a while. He was from Arkansas & was working from there. Was on a run & a young girl was on the roadside hitchhiking, so he stopped & picked her up. They chatted as he drove on down the road & she told him she simply could not get along with her parents & was running away from home. Somewhere on about a couple of hundred miles down the road they stopped & were married. I have no idea how long that had been but obviously, some years & they were still happily married.

Not long after that, he retired & they went back to the Ozarks & he worked as a fishing guide, last I heard of him.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra