Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....many forms of socialism are not communism. Lumping them together ignores reality and makes honest debate impossible....

....In our own country we've socialized defense, public safety, education, and care for the elderly. The point here would seem to be one of degree. Lots of socialism can be bad. In my view, privatizing Social Security is one of the worst ideas ever. A government planned economy won't work here, but there's an obvious role for government in keeping business and industry in bounds. Of course, we'll disagree that the extent of that role.

Two thoughts here Bill. First, if social security is privitized, are you worried that there won't be imaginary funds to raid for unrelated money pits?

And second, wouldn't honest debate include facts about how you claim the American citizen will be protected from 'lots of socialism can be bad'? Will you honestly debate about how the twenty dem candidates who recently 'debated', limit their ambitions to only 'good' socialism? 'Good', according to who, the asexual speaker of the house aoc?

Thanks for the honest debate, Bill.