"Depriving firearms and or access to them- from people who shouldn't have them?"" Bases on what criteria, oh mighty King.?

Maybe we borrow a page from World history and do as Der Fuhrer did once he bullied his way into leading Dem Deutsche Volk 1933-

Our Second Amendment does not determine what constitutes a "Well Armed Militia" nor could our Founding Fathers know what an AK-47 was in that 200 year ago era-- any more than they could have visualized a space shuttle or HIV or heavy metal rock music.

You live in Country with a different history than we have in America. When we visit one of the provinces to hunt, we comply with your laws about transporting our firearms into Canada- we comply or are denied access- fair enough- now how about letting America resolve the gun issues to which you refer on this forum?


"The field is the touchstone of the man"..