if we live long enough to be "old", we all experience the pain of the loss of loved ones...eventually, you will accept that loss...if not, then you might as well just die and end your misery...some of us realize, that much of what makes up our lives is luck...if we are really lucky, most of our luck will be good luck...however, bad luck does come our way from time to time...this is one of those times for you...

what may be helpful, is to realize that bad luck has come your way and you have to deal with it...think of all of the good luck that you have had in your life...be grateful for that...recognize that nothing, good or bad is forever...grieve for as long as it takes...try do what makes you happy...one of these days, you will begin to realize how lucky you were to have had cocoa in your life...and she you...then you will know that you are on your way to recovery...meantime, its ok to wallow in your misery...for as long as it takes for you to get sick of it and decide to do something else...

Last edited by ed good; 05/05/19 02:48 PM.

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