Give Ted a cigar for being the first to note how thin the chamber wall is.

Give 775 a cigar for expounding upon that observation with more detail about the very thin area under the rib, and the dark spot where the big rip probably started.

I wonder if the owner of these barrels realizes that the guy he sent them to for analysis of the rupture is absolutely unqualified to make a determination of cause for this blow-up. Seriously, this is someone who was arguing several weeks ago that chamber lengthening in vintage doubles could result in GREATER WALL THICKNESS at the end of the recut chambers. It took a couple days with drawings and detailed explanations of the obvious to convince him otherwise. I'm pretty sure just mentioning this little detail will be used as evidence that I have acid and hate in my soul. Should be good for a Scripture verse or two. Maybe even a picture of Guatemalan kids or a dead dog.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.