This Parker and Purdey thing. To me it's a red herring. Both exist as two distinct things, although one of those things is related to the other.

Each is a company that made (or makes) shotguns.

But this conversation is really about the other thing both companies are and that is a brand name. Brand names are distinct from product and they have value.

But in the Purdey/Parker discussion here it's like we are trying to compare John Lobb to Bostonian. A comparison that makes no sense, except that they both make or made mens dress shoes.

It's Patek Phillipe to Omega.

There is no "American" Purdey. Nothing even close. It's not a bad thing there isn't (wasn't), it is just the way it is.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia