Originally Posted By: gjw
I think I need to expand a bit on my original post. Perhaps it was a knee jerk reaction to what some have said on this Thread. To begin with, my family and I are Traditional Catholics. We are not St Pius X Society however.

As to the abuse that has occurred, it is absolutely wrong and a sin against both man and God. No rational person would encourage or condone any such action(s). Did abuse happen, yes it has. Does it need to be corrected, absolutely. There needs to be a complete purge in the Church from the top down. That includes those who protected the abusers. It must stop and stop now. I'm afraid however this will take some time, especially with the present Pontiff.

That being said, there have been many priests who have been accused and found not guilty. Yet, you never hear about that, only that they have been accused. Some have been accused after they have been dead for years. Why? Money. Some misguided souls are seeing a gravy train and are jumping on it. When found out that they lied, no big deal, but the priests reputation has been ruined. For every rotten priest, there are many more who are good men who follow their vows and do great works for God. But you never hear about them.

I hear a lot of the "Institutional" Church, is it? Sure is, it's also a hierarchy. Does that mean it's all bad or corrupt, no. Is our democracy which is also institutional, bad and corrupt? Institutions are run by men, men are weak and some just plan bad. Does that mean the whole institution is bad, no.

The Church (and I do mean the RCC) was founded by Christ, but was and has been run by mortal men. Some good, some bad. But the good surely outweigh the bad.

The Church has survived for 2000 years and will continue. As Christ said to St Peter: "And the gates of hell shall not prevail against her".

I hope this explains a little from where I'm coming.

I also want to wish each of you and your families a very Blessed and Holy Easter. I do apologize if I have offended anyone by my original post.



I haven't posted lately, temporarily choosing to catch up on outside work and other projects rather than argue here with Libtards. But this post from gjw (Greg) brought me back for a moment. Greg's original post made absolutely NO EXCUSES for the abuses committed by an extremely small percentage of Catholic clergymen. I cannot think of a single Catholic layperson who ever excused those evil and criminal behaviors, here or anyplace else. Greg certainly did not! For the Preacher Drew Hause to suggest otherwise shows what kind of deceptive and devious person he is. I'd like to know just where or why the Preacher saw crap like this in Greg's original post:

Originally Posted By: Drew Hause
Greg: I've been thinking about your post all morning, and am stunned and saddened. You seem like a good, decent, and speak the truth kinda guy....

Defending the indefensible makes the defender part of the problem, and we should be working to reform the church (of every denomination), based on God's inerrant word

I'd like to know exactly where Greg "defended the indefensible"??? Greg and I have certainly had some unfortunate differences here, but this bullshit from the Preacher is just that... more of his deceptive bullshit. To even suggest that Greg is part of the problem, or that he in any way excuses the crimes of pedophile priests and sex abusers is simply sick and disgusting. Greg's subsequent post was spot-on, but it shouldn't have been necessary for any rational or honest person.

Straying back on the topic of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, it is hardly surprising to see Larry Clown or BrentD already mocking reports that the preliminary conclusions of the French Government may be wrong... in spite of several credible reports that there was no burning, soldering, welding, or live electrical circuits in the vicinity of the origin of the fire. I'll state my belief that the Liberal Left in France would destroy video or other evidence if it might incriminate some group they favor. This is all just my personal opinion... based upon what I see and read here from those on the Left, and those who try to hide their Leftist beliefs.

And as far as the assh0le nca225 goes... the people who thought directing their energy toward eliminating jOe rather than a useless piece of shit like nca225 deserve him/her.

Happy Easter to some!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.