We have gone, in the space of 1/2 of a presidential term, from record numbers of people unemployed, record numbers of people dependent on welfare and general assistance checks from the government, to the lowest numbers for unemployment for black, Hispanic, female, and Asian minority groups ever recorded. While all that was promised by the previous administration, it delivered nothing. The numbers of people who were suddenly insured were almost all people who were simply shuffled into Medicaid. The democrats gave big pharma and big insurance the pen to write the healthcare legislation, and to write the profit margins as well. As per usual, it is pie in the sky liberal nonsense, that could not have worked.
At the end of the day, the thing that matters the most to me, and that I have the least control over is the economy, and Democrats have left it in a shambles enough times in my life that I hope they are bludgeoned in any and all elections henceforth.
Bill is worried that some corporation gets a tax break, unable to comprehend the value employment numbers by an outfit like Amazon or General Electric contribute to the US economy, when they are here, and not pulling up stakes to do their business elsewhere, a policy almost encouraged under the Obama administration.
Bill will never grasp political give and take, only liberal take. Trying to show that is a waste of time.
Anyone who cant clearly fathom the positive change for the US under the Trump administration, versus the Obama administration, on almost every level, from energy independence to household wealth, is a simpleton. They arent worth the effort it takes to educate them.
Just for you Bill, remember, that Mississippi became the 15th state to endorse a constitution of states. It is coming, Bill, and it will cause all liberals to become terminal bed wetters when the states check the federal government power and force them into term limits, a balanced budget, and a fraction of the power they have, now.
Get used to it, Bill. It is going to happen.
