Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
It's true Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act, but their arms were being severely twisted by President Johnson. The Republican Party since Reagan's day has not been in the forefront of any equality movement. I don't think the explanation is as much prejudice as it is indifference. Today's R's main concern is the welfare of the hyper rich.

Come on Bill. try something other than the standard talking points. You are in danger of becoming a parody of a Democrat supporter. You twist or ignore or deny historical fact to fit your narrative and you refuse to consider rational positions different from yours.

Here's a question I like to pose to my liberal and socialist friends (yes, shockingly, I have them). Can you show me evidence of government intervention that was successful to it's aim, done at a reasonable cost for the objective and did not lead to endlessly spending more money by the featherbedding bureaucracy created to solve whatever the initial problem was? The point being.....why do you think government will solve the problem?.....they have a massively bad track record!

Here's something from the former publisher of the Times of London and the Jerusalem Post, among other rags. BTW, the author supported our ridiculously incompetent socialist PM, Justin Trudeau, so he is no knee jerk member of the Alt Right.


Last edited by canvasback; 03/30/19 10:06 AM. Reason: Punctuation error

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia