I've been saying that for several years here Nudge. And I've not just been preaching to the choir either. I've been writing, emailing, and calling my Representatives in the U.S. House and Senate, and I've continued to donate to the NRA to get the message out that infringing upon the Constitutional Rights of law abiding citizens is not the answer to stopping criminal acts by mentally ill criminals and terrorists.

Most important of all... no gun owner who values his or her gun rights should give their vote to those who are most likely to infringe upon those rights. That unfortunately includes my RINO Republican Senator Pat Toomey. He needs to be replaced.

I've also asked people to consider the FACT that far more kids die annually due to texting while driving than from school shootings... and there is no Constitutional right of kids to text while driving.

Just as many people die from medical mistakes every year in this country as from opiate drug overdoses, yet the anti-gun AMA lobbies for more gun laws instead of cleaning their own house.

Gun sales have increased over the last 30 years, yet murder rates have dropped considerably. This is due to higher incarceration rates for violent felons. Yet the Liberal Left whines that we should parole or release many of these violent repeat offenders.

You are right... we need to turn the argument back on the Left and keep it there. We should understand that they will never give up on attacking our rights.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.