Brent D, Gunther, Nudge,
The objection is because they have included it in a class that doesn't fit the function of the gun. A stock by it self is not a gun, much less a machine gun. As far as "negotiating it away and be reasonable by our own standard": I said I don't care about bump stocks, but others do, and I do care about other things that other people don't. I don't want someone else negotiating away my civil rights and I will not negotiate someone else's away. As far as "reasonable" is concerned, it is very subjective. I can remember when "separate but equal" and "poll taxes" were considered reasonable. We have since learned that taking someone else's civil rights is not reasonable and it is not reasonable to make people pay to be able to exercise their civil rights. If they take the bump stocks they need to do it under the law, not by playing a trick. You can do the same thing as a bump stock does with a shoe string and a key ring( google : ATF shoe string letter). Maybe next they will come for shoe strings and key rings. There is nothing in any of the amendments about "need", regardless of what "Leslie Stahl" thinks.

Last edited by Der Ami; 03/26/19 04:58 PM.