Originally Posted By: dal
Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein
Originally Posted By: Goillini
Two points. First, a lawyer always has to have a client. Second, the ABA and most trial lawyer associations lean heavily to the left and support liberal politicians because most liberal politicians are against tort reform i.e. limits on damages for pain and suffering, loser pays the winner's legal fees, etc.

I was waiting for someone to point this out. Resistance to tort reform?

Solidly lefty lawyers.

End of story.


My provincial government is considering putting a $37.0000 deductible on any injury lawsuit under a hundred grand to dissuade anyone that stubs their toe on the sidewalk or on private property, from running to a lawyer. I would support that.

My local populace is becoming solidly convinced that the only way to bring our federal government back in compliance with its responsibility and the law is a constitution of states. It is gaining ground.
Should be a bloodless revolution, but, no promises.

Watch for it.
