Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: moses
Oh, by the way fellas, Thanks for ruining this thread like you do to so many others. Well done.
It is no wonder why we see so many bow out of this forum taking so much useful information about DOUBLE GUNS with them.


Excuse me? Was there some useful double shotgun information here? I must have missed that. But I was only commenting on your rude reply to jOe concerning his belief that Australia had placed severe restrictions on the number and type of guns you folks may own, and similar restrictions on how you may use them.

I must have hit a nerve with you because you didn't bother to correct me and show us that all the news we hear about gun confiscation is just a lie or anti-Australian propaganda. I do understand that it bothers our FUDD's here to read about gun confiscation, buybacks, and threats of arrest and imprisonment for not rolling over like a whipped dog. And I do understand that some here wish to make this forum a safe harbor for those who vote for the politicians who wish they could pass the same restrictions here.

I guess we're just never going to see things the same. By the way, my maternal Grandfather was a prisoner of war who was wounded in action before being captured. He didn't believe in giving up freedoms.

This is rich.

Only responding because of mosess rude reply to jOe? And you deny jOe is emboldened to spread his idiocy because of the cover you offer him, Keith?The person who was ruining what was a interesting and heartfelt thread was jOe. And I dont want to hear any shit about it not having to do with double guns. You shit on threads regularly in a way that has nothing to do with double guns and in fact has nothing to do with defending the second.

You need to get real. Youve kinda lost your grip on reality here. Moses isnt and hasnt spread any anti gun bs here. He just happens to live in a country that enacted idiotic laws.

If there is some conspiracy against you by other members, expose it. Or shut up.

I told you to take a good look in the mirror a few weeks ago. You decided not to so Ill give you another challenge. Think about what it takes for me to say this to you. Let me tell you, it doesnt come easily.

If someone says something clearly anti firearms, have at it. But in the meantime Keith STFU!

And tell your buddy jOe that he doesnt need to spill his shit in every single thread. Between the two of you youve made this place practically unreadable. I have to resort to reading the Upland Journal and I can only take so much of that totalitarian hang out so please Keith. Grow up!

And Keith, I dont want an email or PM telling me how much this action of mine hurt you. Ive tried to talk to you about this. You arent listening. You need to listen. So Im saying it loudly and clearly.

Last edited by canvasback; 03/13/19 11:09 PM.

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