Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein
The gun show up yet?


Yes it did, Ted. It's a pretty dang nice little gun. Took it out and touched off a few rounds yesterday. Decided to try some old Rem. 3" 1 1/4 oz. 6's I've had for years. Let's just say recoil is "noticeable".

The piece is well made and has a lot of visual appeal from its "blued steel and walnut" straightforwardness. Excellent satin blued receiver and polished blued barrel that's not too shiny. The contours of the receiver and the little "step" where the forend meets the receiver are nice, along with the very slim and trim forend. I've put a slip-on, lace-up leather pad (one like Stan has shown here before) on to increase l.o.p.

I like it.

Last edited by John Roberts; 02/24/19 01:58 AM.

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