I spent three years living in a tent near Spooner WI. Like every morning you strap on the ski's and check the trapline and then go ice fishing, predator calling.

I spent 12 years living east of Fargo, ND and one year we went 63 days with out it getting above zero. That winter we had a slushy snow on Nov 8 and the ice was still on the roads(except where the chains ground down to the payment) in the spring, The kids in shop class were making extra money fabricating 1 foot extension for our ice augers as the ice got to 4 feet thick that year. Detroit Lakes where the snow was plowed over the roads had frost go down 10' and you could see where they were burning in the bottom of pits in the road so they could dig down and repair frozen pipes.

Those A's started well with ether, mine had e-starter. My AC-WD had a block heater and 7' snowblower my drive way was 3/4 mile long.

After the first shot the rest are just noise.