Originally Posted By: buzz
Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: buzz
Originally Posted By: mark
....Its hard to get excited about a new birdgun when there is little bird hunting to get excited about in the country....
I think Mark hit the nail on the head. Upland hunting is dying, along with that goes the SxS.

Tell that to the millennial, they are the ones dragging down the statistics, its not my generation. They dont hunt and fish like the baby boomers do/did....

....Hunting statistics are down. And, a small study population in rural Georgia is insignificant in terms of the overall data for the entire United States. Dont take my word for it: Check out the US Fish and Wildlife statistics on that....

I was commenting that hunting is available, not about its popularity or statistics. Some of the comments seem to be about the dying of the upland bird hunting light in the bird hunters themselves.

Blaming millennials is fine, but I still think the business future of double guns is with people that are comfortable around any firearm. I'd think it's less likely to get a non gunner in the market years from now after their kids are out of college and their houses are paid off.

I don't think the desirability of side by sides is based on their utility to gather poultry. There may be collector or accumulator value that is more than enough to sustain a market. So it's cyclical, what isn't. Business folks will make money at it if they treat it like a business, I know I am not over excited to pay for passion.

I can't say I've ever heard of any upland hunting stories about the beauty of hunting in a crowd. It's always a great thing to have a big spread to yourself, and disappointing to run into a hunter in an area one wanted to work through. The glass is half full Doc Buzz.