One thing that has seemed to change from the era of perhaps a decade or two ago, is the fact that there are dealers who have guns in inventory for a decade.
I’m guessing these are consignment guns, but, in the past, it seemed that eventually something had to give, and the guns were sold at a discount, or ended up being traded. They left inventory, somehow, and disappeared.
I have watched a few guns, at a few dealers, that have 8-10 years of time at those dealers. Same price as a decade ago.
I don’t believe you can look at the prices of those guns, and say to yourself, “prices are still high on these old guns” . They haven’t sold, and, aren’t going to sell, unless the price comes down.
I don’t begrudge the dealer wanting every penny he can get for a gun, but, I sometimes wonder what the hell these guys actually sell that pays to keep the door open?
