James, thanks for your observations on the disgusting propaganda machines we have here. Media bias has been bad for a long time, but it has gotten really insane since Trump was elected. When you have even Ted Koppel chiding CNN for their 24/7/365 anti-Trump diatribes, you know it's bad. But sadly, there are people who only listen to one side of it, and they will never give themselves the chance to consider that it may not be factual. I typically flip between different news networks to avoid commercials, and am no stranger to the totally different ways the same exact events are reported. It's obviously no accident.

When Trump calls them Fake News and the Enemy of the People, he is probably being much too kind to them. They actually think he has no business to call them out on their dishonesty, and place no blame upon themselves. What is really bizarre is that they still consider themselves journalists.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.