Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
It did not mean turning the country over to big money to despoil the earth and buy their Congress. Just a reminder here that the truth cuts both ways.

James, do you think Billy is referring to the big money from Liberal Left Democrat Socialist Billionaires like George Soros, a Leftist who uses vast sums to influence Congress and elections?

Do you think Billy would ever be honest with us and tell you that Ana Maria Archilla and Maria Gallager, the two protesters who confronted Sen. Jeff Flake over Kavanaugh's confirmation last week were activists and the executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy? Do you think Billy would ever tell us that Left Wing Organization is funded by the anti-gunner Billionaire Soros?,

Billy is still returning to bash Conservatives. But notice that he won't post this crap in the Custom Rifle forum where his rifle pals would see it. I'm sure that was just an oversight on his part, so I'll help him out and put his Liberal Left drivel there for him and his friends to enjoy. Just part of my spirit of bipartisanship.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.