Originally Posted By: nca225
One thing that makes zero sense is the reluctance of the committee to vet these accusations with an FBI investigation. If there is certainty that this all made up, then wouldn't an FBI investigation reveal the falsehood and the the accuser could be confronted with it at the hearing? Would that achieve the best result for Kavanaught? The reluctance to investigate creates more questions then just investigating the allegation.

This is both idiotic and dishonest. There was an FBI Investigation of the accusations made against Justice Clarence Thomas, and he was cleared and subsequently confirmed. Yet Libtards like you and rocky mtn bill still consider him guilty.

rocky mtn bill said exactly that earlier in this thread. An FBI Investigation of a 36 year old allegation with no witnesses is simply another disingenuous attempt to delay the confirmation vote... just like Dianne Feinstein sitting on this baseless accusation since July, and waiting until now to bring it out. It is "He said... she said" and in the end there would be no finding of wrongdoing by Kavanaugh, or no charges of perjury against Ford. And Libtards will still consider him guilty no matter what he might do to prove his innocence. It wouldn't matter if he had proof that he was in an Apollo space capsule circling the moon when the alleged attempted rape occurred.

This is why there is partisan bickering. You didn't see this level of low life dishonesty when the last few Liberals were confirmed. This crap comes from the same filthy Democrats liars who promise to respect the 2nd Amendment, and then try to ban guns and ammunition. They cannot be trusted.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.