Originally Posted By: King Brown
Proof of constitutions as a living body, changing with the temper of the times, reflected by members appointed to the court, is exhibited again to a waiting world in Washington this week.

No King, wrong again. That scenario only happens in your Liberal Left world where Liberal presidents nominate judicial activists who attempt to legislate things from the bench that they cannot get passed through Congress as prescribed by the Constitution. The words of the Constitution and the original Bill of Rights are exactly as they were when put on parchment in 1787. It is wacky Liberals like you who are trying to make it as enduring as toilet paper.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh has promised to interpret the law in accordance with the Framers Original Intent. And that promise terrifies Liberal Left anti-gunners like you, Chuck Schumer, and Dianne Feinstein. Your repeated efforts to pervert the meaning and intent of our 2nd Amendment are your enduring legacy here.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Pew Research has a good reputation, Jim. It's a source in the link Ed posted. Crime is declining in Canada, too, although our tougher-on-crime federal government can't build jails and penitentiaries fast enough.

Misfires seems near unanimous that there's no correlation between the number of guns and surpassing US gun violence, and that more guns lowers a homicide rate experienced nowhere else in the developed world.

I believe there is a connection---as most liberals do--- and that those conservative and liberal countries with exceedingly lower rates are a result of their democratically chosen, more-onerous, freedom-restricting regulations, common-sense or not.

I commented earlier on the cultural differences between the US and other countries in this respect, including how differently the US and Canada developed. Why do Americans dismiss the graphs and statistics?

We don't dismiss the statistics King. We dismiss your Fake News and your anti-gun bullshit.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.