Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: keith
...After many years of thinking like you and many others that we gun owners are all in this together, I finally came to the conclusion that we do ourselves no favors by coddling and embracing back-stabbers....

Who needs them, you ask? You do? And every other gun owner and supporter of the 2cd.

They are, odds are, the easiest to convert to our way of thinking....

....But besides that, to what end, what benefit is gained by this polarization and hatred? It doesn't move your agenda forward....

Awe, group hug cback. Sorry, I had to get that out of the way. Why would you characterize it as 'polarization and hatred'? Wouldn't it just be called progress, 'cept for the part about liking guns?

Here's an anecdotal tidbit that RM Bill can confirm. Within Montana, sen. tester sure as the sun rises sounds like a pro gunner, but in dc he's a hundred percent lock step antigun policy voter and supporter. No, it isn't tester's sort coming to be all he can be as a progressive lefty, but what in this world makes you think Bill 'would be the easiest to convert to our way of thinking'?

Who says anyone has to hate anyone? The more important question would be, why would one willfully allow a person that happens to shoot, blow smoke up their a..? Can you believe how much mileage Bill thinks he gets out of his corporate greed/Trump wrecked o's economy mantra? Good luck, eh, winning him over to vote in a multi issue pro liberty way?

I grinned a bit at your native North American reservation characterization. Ever drive down through Bill's MT, no eye contact, don't slow down in Browning, eh? Sure there's drug abuse on the reservations, but we probably shouldn't ignore the cover that they can provide for drug traffickers. In fairness there are some councils that're starting to kick the riffraff off of their reservations. Ask Bill, I'm sure he's aware of MT roads that're notorious illegal drug trafficking routes up to your country. There're stretches that you don't stop to help a damsel in distress, unless you want to get your head split open by three of her meth addicted 'boyfriends'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not picking on the great state of Montana, one of my absolutely favorite places to be. I'm picking on hypocrisy.