I just finished the Reno show, and I have never seen so many people who wanted nothing to do with the insane liberal/progressive/Marxist/heathenistic politics of a state. People drive for hours to simply buy ammunition where they do not have to register to buy it. They often try every conceivable ploy to buy guns the same way... some of the guns they can buy in any state EXCEPT California. In our shop, we can sell a long gun to buyers in any state of the union and they can go home with it EXCEPT California. Some manufacturers won't sell their guns in California as the one-time somewhat reasonalbly priced required safety test of dropping a gun on its hammer has changed to a once a year test at an exhorbitant price. Frankly, screw California and its prolific drug needles and defication in the streets. I have nothing but disgust for the liberals/socialists/Marxists/heathens who live there. I have pity and empathy for the REAL human beings who live there. I gave up a huge amount of money when I moved from there 34 years ago, but it was worth it when I could breathe again as soon as I crossed the border. I hate crossing the small patch of it when I go to Reno.

As far as associating with liberals/socialists/Marxists/Godless heathens, I simply Do Not! With all the good people in the world, why associate with scum and reprobates?