31 years ago I needed to have a Biopsy done. My regular MD told me he "Would do it" if I insisted, but didn't really like to do surgery & would prefer to send me to another doctor to have it done. I appreciated his honesty & went to the doctor he recommended. My doctor did remain my regular one until he retired & he did not refuse to do my procedure, just preferred me to have another do it.

That however is not the situation I am seeing here. Perhaps I misunderstood the statement, but I did not get the impression the Gunsmith felt un-qualified to work on a Smith or even that he felt someone else was better. Rather he just refused to work on one because "He Didn't Like Them". If I take a gun to a Smith I could really care less if that happens to be a brand He Likes.

I once made a V spring for a Spanish Copy of a Colt revolver. I didn't like the gun & Would not personally have spent the money it cost him to get it made on the gun. He however for some reason wanted it Fixed, so I accommodated him. A few years back I bought a car which my Wife liked. I wasn't particularly fond of it. At some point the AC quit working on it. I carried it to my favorite mechanic. He didn't particularly like it either. but he fixed it. Did a good job at reasonable cost. That was all I asked of him, I didn't ask him to like it.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra