Please show us where I ever said you aligned or was complicit with nca225. I implied nothing of the sort, and it is another lie for you to say that... or more evidence of your stupidity. I said he was your friend. It would appear that you are since you felt it would be a good idea to stir shit here by posting your own shit about my daughters. Again, you admit to seeing me bitching about nca225's filthy comments for years, but somehow missed the sordid details. You must think everyone here is either naive, or as stupid as you.

And you accuse me of stirring shit. No matter how loathsome I find you to be, you could never dredge up a quote where I would bring your daughters into things. A man would never do this just to stir shit:

Originally Posted By: Replacement
I can't wait until someone mentions Keith's daughters

You really need to look up the definition of conspiracy and paranoia. I provide direct unedited QUOTES from our anti-gun Trolls to remind folks that our Gun Rights are attacked both externally, and from within the so-called Big Tent of gun owners. You would have to be as deluded and dishonest as King Brown to deny what they actually say, and to deny that they actually support politicians with 100% anti-gun voting records.

I believe you are lying about not seeing the details of what transpired between nca225 and myself. It was repeated too many times, and you spent too much time posting, participating in, and reading the Threads where it was referenced to believe you had no knowledge of it. How can I say it politely and with good manners?... I think you are a lying sack of shit.

You're flailing, and you are as pathetic as always Replacement.

EDIT: Rather than continuing to respond to your continued flailing in your post below Replacement, I'll let you have the last word. But that doesn't mean the comment you want to have fade away will ever be dormant. It won't. I think you've made a convincing case for yourself... NOT.

Last edited by keith; 08/07/18 05:19 PM. Reason: This could go on forever... and Replacement will still be a cowardly lying enema bag

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.