Originally Posted By: Replacement
Keith, why don't you tell us why YOU raised the issue of your daughters in this thread when it has been dormant for so long? Just trying to get some attention? Trying to play martyr? Stirring the pot? All of the above?

That's easy little worm. I raised it in response to your post #520164 a couple days ago:

Originally Posted By: Replacement
There are a couple of guys on here who would benefit from a good purgative.

I raised it to show that you are nothing but a cowardly piece of dung who would post garbage like that in order to start shit here. Funny to see you accusing me of stirring the pot now. And predictably hypocritical as hell too.

I saved it when you initially posted it, because I knew you would try to run away from your own words... just as you did above with your lame and lying excuse that you had no knowledge of what had transpired when nca225 decided to drag my family into a fray. The issue isn't dormant... even though you'd like us all to forget about it. If you were a gentleman, or even a man, you wouldn't have posted it in the first place. I still find it amazing that King Brown, a man with daughters of his own, and one who frequently tars Republicans and Conservatives as misogynists was the only one who defended nca225, and wanted me to make peace with him/her.

You tried to tar me with posting "conspiracy theories" and I asked you to prove that. So show us little worm.

Edit: It's also amusing to see King Brown, a proven anti-gun Troll who has repeatedly lied to us, and even denied seeing any anti-gun members here in 15 years after reading direct quotes calling for disarming law abiding citizens, lecturing me about "ill manners". And it is very dishonest of King to say this:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's incredulous you believe anyone differing from your opinions is deserving of your ill manners. You've distinguished yourself in this respect. Offhand, I can't think of other members doing it. .

Perhaps he'd like me to post some QUOTES from several guys who got sick of his lies and B.S., and called him out on it in very harsh terms, began IGNORING his posts, and even stopped participating here altogether. Perhaps he recalls Ken61 calling him Comrade Sralin... sralin being a Russian term for shit.

Dishonesty is not civility. Dishonesty is not good manners. Never has been. Never will be.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.