Raise the issue anytime you like you wormy little coward. We all know damn well why you raised it when you posted it. I explained the issue about nca225 posting filthy comments about my daughters numerous times, and I just explained it once again above. It's hilarious to see the guy who claims to be so much smarter than everyone else now claiming to have no knowledge of what transpired. I don't care if anyone else cares about it. But it does serve to illuminate the selective civility practiced by our F.A.G.'s (Fake Ass Gentlemen) here. For you to still say you know nothing about it shows us that you are merely attempting to run away from what you posted here, just like King would love to run away from the anti-gun crap he posted here countless times in the past.

One thing I know for certain, you might raise the issue here, hiding behind your little keyboard thousands of miles away. And I can't stop you from being an a$$hole over the internet. But you'd never do it to my face, you little coward.

Originally Posted By: Nudge
I post these so the uninitiated will realize we aren't just rudely singling out a guy. He has left a trail of misinformation and hysteria on multiple gun forums.

- Nudge

I still say RGD Dave's posts concerning his beloved L.C. Smith's and his $1000 grade Nitro Special do not sink to the level of lies and sewage that comes from guys like King, Ed, nca225, and Replacement. Is thinking that you have an unknown grade of Nitro Special any worse than pretending to be an Award Winning Winemaker or close personal friends with John F. Kennedy? Is it any worse than saying you have never seen any anti-gun sentiment in 15 years of visits to this forum when your fellow anti-gun Troll friend posts crap like this?

Originally Posted By: ed good
if society, via our law makers, deem it necessary to restrict or prohibit our possession of certain classes of arms, then every good citizen should obey the law for the good of the majority.

and if some here wish to discuss further restriction and prohibition of certain classes of arms here, then why not?

Originally Posted By: ed good
as for the gun control issue...we are the only country in the world that seems to tolerate mass murder, in the name of an individual right...its about time that we as a society realize that we are over gunned with too many super dangerous weapons in the hands of too many super dangerous people... it is long past time to do as the rest of the civilized world has done and simply, disarm...

Originally Posted By: King Brown

To have the forum we want, the one we joined for, and to be the men we want to be and not the ones we are, requires a modicum of common decency that we extend to face-to-face encounters: respect and no unwarranted accusations and designating as liars and anti-gun those of varying opinions.

Fifteen years of my almost daily visits here confirm there are no anti-gun members.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.