No King, a bona fide Troll is one like you or your friend Ed Good, who repeatedly post anti-gun, anti-NRA, and anti 2nd Amendment rhetoric on a firearms enthusiasts forum. You have posted literally hundreds, if not thousands, of your Leftist political views on this forum. Only someone as dishonest and hypocritical as you could possibly chide me for countering them.

Remember how you and Ed conspired and went against Dave Weber when you continually violated his rules for content in the " Preserve the 2nd Amendment thread - Informational" Thread that used to be pinned to the top of the subjects page? No, you'd like us all to forget much of my political posting is response to your bullshit.

Preserve the 2nd Amendment thread - Informational -- Destroyed by King and Ed

The link above can show folks what the intent of it was and some of what you and Ed did to torpedo it. Too bad we can't go back and show everyone your posts that were deleted by Dave. You vowed to keep posting things unrelated to the topic in that Thread, and you did until Dave finally got sick of policing it. and locked it. Now that's a Troll.

The pot is always boiling on the enduring Constitutional debate concerning our gun rights, because Liberal Left Socialists like you are continually attempting to undermine them with lies like your frequent false assertions that the NRA, John Ashcroft, and even the Supreme Court changed the Original Intent of the framers.

Nice to see the cowardly little worm Replacement chime in. He knew damn well about the issue concerning his pal nca225 posting filthy comments about my daughters. He knew because I brought it up many times to show what a slimy low-life piece of shit nca225 is. Replacement is as cowardly as nca225, and about as dishonest as King. The QUOTE I posted from him illustrates what kind of person he is. And the fact that people like King's friend Gladys, King, and the preacher had nothing negative to say about it confirms the hypocrisy of the F.A.G.'s (Fake Ass Gentlemen) we have here.

I still can't see how RGD Dave is more of a problem to some here than our anti-gun Libtards and Trolls.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.