Originally Posted By: ChiefAmungum

That may be so. And I'll let you go with that. I am a pragmatist, mostly and would like to see some results. Thanks for the civil discourse!


Sorry to disagree, but it isn't "civil discourse" when one participant continually spouts dishonest propaganda in order to advance his Socialist agenda. And it certainly isn't "civil discourse" to frequently taint the air on a firearms forum with the idiotic idea that we should all shoot ourselves in the foot by supporting politicians who would work to take away our rights to own guns and hunt.

Billy hasn't responded to my last two replies to his lunacy. This is typical of what Billy and other Libtards do when they are smacked in the nose with their own hypocrisy. An even more predictable behavior from Billy is to make one of his relatively infrequent visits to the main Double-Gun forum here to make a few posts containing his Liberal Democrat dogma. When he gets caught in a lie or caught posting false data to support his position, he tucks his tail between his legs and slips out the back door. Then he reappears a couple weeks later in the Custom and Classic Rifle forum where some participants feel he should have immunity from being reminded about his lies and support for anti-gunners.

Of course, we have a few F.A.G.'s (Fake Ass Gentlemen) right here who often get all whiny and butt-hurt when Conservatives make political or Pro-2nd Amendment posts in this forum, but are strangely silent when fellow Libtards and FUDD's like Billy make political posts which denigrate the 2nd Amendment and the politicians who respect it. And if you point out and illuminate such disingenuous behavior, then they will work in symphony to attempt to silence or censor you. And they will consider such behavior to be the height of civility and good manners. Funny stuff!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.