Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Read George Will's column from last Sunday.

George Will didn't tell us any more about what Trump actually discussed with Putin than the mentally defective nca225 did Billy. It was more of the same conjecture we get every day from your fake news sources and Adam Schiff. So why don't you take a stab at it and tell us exactly what Trump said and exactly what he did that rises to the same level of treasonous behavior as your Magic Negro did when he prematurely pulled the troops out of Iraq and left ISIS tons of munitions and equipment to eventually use against us? Now that is something that rises to the definition of treason.

And then Billy, tell us why the Russians weren't able to stop you from voting for your anti-gun Liberal Left Democrat Hillary. The Russians didn't convince me to vote for Trump... But Hillary sure did a great job of convincing people she was the wrong choice. You sure as hell cannot claim to support the 2nd Amendment if you support politicians like the Clintons or Obama. You should take your ignorance and stupidity where it will be appreciated.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.