It should be obvious that nca225 is suffering from mental illness. The only one playing the "what about this... what about that?" game is him/her and all of the other Libtards who were silent when Conservatives asked those annoying little questions back when their Magic Negro Obama was in office.

They refused to go anywhere near those questions about Obama assuring outgoing Russian President Medvedev that he could be more flexible with Putin after the election. They had nothing to say when Obama allowed Russia and Assad to roll over the Ukraine and Syria as they laughed at his Red Lines. They make up wild and baseless accusations about Trump's diplomatic meeting with Putin while ignoring Hillary Clinton's meetings and "Russian Reset" with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. I guess he/she thinks we should trade our Gun Rights for his/her right to get married to another fairy. And now he/she is crying about us asking those same unanswered questions.

I'd like to see the proof this sick little transgender has that Trump has sold out anything to Russia, or actually done anything to approach the level of Treason that occurred when Obama wasted all that blood and treasure in Iraq and left hundreds of millions of dollars in weapons and supplies to provide aid to ISIS when he went against the advice of numerous military advisors and prematurely pulled troops out of Iraq.

It's funny to watch CNN and actually see the Liberal Left talking heads admitting that there is no proof that Trump did anything Treasonous or in any way sold out the U.S. in his private meeting with Putin. But that's exactly what has these mental midgets nca225, rocky mtn bill, and others foaming at the mouth. The DNC and CNN could tell these morons that the world is made of snow and Trump is melting it, and they would believe it.

But, but, but... it could have happened! Except for the fact it didn't. Time to take another look at Liberal's idea of making America great:

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.