Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: nca225
Sewing discord and distrust among our allies? Its just plain shortsighted.

Why do you go out of your way to show us how stupid and illiterate you are? It isn't "sewing discord", it's "sowing discord". Who knew that the Mrs. Malaprop of the 21st century would be a transgender called nca225? And speaking of sowing discord and distrust among our allies, it's hard to beat Obama's impotent Red Lines and warnings that he gave to Assad and Putin when they laughed at his weakness over Syria and the Ukraine.

We know your idea of loyalty to the U.S. is lighting the White House in gay rainbow lights and allowing perverted men to use ladies restrooms, but that sickness ended when Trump took over.

And when it comes to insulting Gold Star families, as you were crying about in the locked thread, what better way than to walk away from the hard fought gains made in Iraq, and turn the sacrifices made by our soldiers into a total waste by allowing it to fall into ISIS hands. And then even leaving hundreds of millions of dollars in weapons and equipment behind for them to use against us... Now there's some treason you can actually see, versus the kind imagined by Libtards and liars.

One again, what about this, what about that! You know, when you can't even defend the traitor, it proves my point. Thanks for your timely surrender of the argument princess.

Last edited by nca225; 07/21/18 09:48 AM.

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