Originally Posted By: nca225

I merely pointed out to him that his ideology may have contributed to the circumstances under which he contracted his disease, and that falls with the realm of the literary tool called irony. Sure I may have come across as unsympathetic in my delivery, but I'm confident Lloyd doesn't want me to think of him as a victim of circumstances he helped create, albeit somewhat insignificantly. He is after all a conservative!

In fact I think I took the proper "conservative" approach here. I informed him that his behavior contributed in small part to his current predicament, and after enlightening him of that I am hopeful he learns and uses his newfound knowledge to improve his or others situation. After all, when in Rome, do as the Romans. Best of luck to you Lloyd on your newfound journey!

So why keith are you putting words in my mouth

Only one that put words in your head is the socialist democratic party...