It is not his gun. From reading his old posts, it is possible he did own it at one time, but sold it years ago. When you catch someone repeatedly lying about their guns, hunting, or reloading activities, it's hard to believe much of anything they say. He spent several years telling us that he no longer owned any doubles, but was searching for one. We were treated to several threads and posts about his tire-kicking and drooling over various doubles. The fact that he didn't actually own any didn't stop him from pretending to be an expert and constantly giving advice to new guys like you who hadn't been around long enough to catch him in numerous lies about guns he claimed to own, but merely had on hold or Layaway, and never actually bought.

I kept confronting him about his ever changing stories and provided plenty of QUOTES from him showing that he was a lying pathetic internet fake. Several months ago, even his Liberal Left anti-2nd Amendment pal King Brown commented about his imaginary gun buying and his incessant tire kicking. This comment from King was in a reply to canvasback. Jagermeister was so embarrassed that he disappeared for several days. When he returned, he simply posted a single photo of this unnamed SLE shotgun with no comment. Later, when confronted about his lack of any doubles, he told us that he kept one nice SLE... again, after several years of telling us that he no longer had any. This was also after repeatedly and specifically telling us about the four or five guns he had in his inventory... a couple short barreled pumps, a .300H&H Mag. rifle, and a handgun or two, in addition to the Chinese .22 rifle that he rented.

You can learn a lot here. You can learn about doubles, and you can also learn a lot about people. You will learn that here on the internet, you can pretend to be whatever you want to be. You can say you support gun rights, yet vote for the most extreme anti-gunners on the planet. And if you get tripped up in your own lies, you can simply keep repeating them. You can deny your own Quoted words, and guys like Gladys (Old Colonel) will defend you if they agree with you politically. But they may claim to be one thing politically, while their words and actions tell a totally different story. If they do not agree with you, they will selectively whine and complain about you and attempt to censor you. Gladys actually goes much further than all that, and he thinks I don't know. He isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

If Jagermeister is actually leaving, it is simply because he finally realizes that there are only at best a couple fools or new guys who would actually take him seriously anymore. Here's a picture of my truck gun. I heard it once belonged to Czar Nicholas...

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.