Craig, I beg your pardon, but did I call for new laws? What makes me say guns aren't necessarily benign is the fact that so many people nowadays are slaughtered with them. In the "good ole days" I mentioned, this didn't happen. I don't count myself as one of those bent out of shape by societal change. I don't accept the notion that public schools are "force-feeding" some harmful agenda to our kids. The kids I know today in the places I've lived are getting an education far superior to what my generation received. Your whole view of the world is badly distorted by you inability to pay any detailed attention to what other people are saying. You read in what you're predisposed to think.As Wonko says, " I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."

Last edited by rocky mtn bill; 04/22/18 01:37 PM.

Bill Ferguson