The problem is that most men 100 years ago were smaller in size than men today. At 6 4 my grandfather was one of or the tallest men in his division when it went to France in WWI. Most men were in the 5 6- 510 range. So a gun made to fit a short armed man would rarely fit one of us today. Thats why I see so many 13-14 guns. To make them stretch out to the 14+ I need a pad or extension is needed. And I hate any pad greater than about 3/4 ok ine with a white line in it.

Every gun with a extension is just a shooter as far as I am concerned. How desperate are you for another shooter. Restocking sounds like an option but cost for a proper job kills all sales under 6-7K. You cant put 3k into a 3k gun unless it is free.

Last edited by KY Jon; 04/04/18 12:11 PM.