What King Brown always neglects to tell us when he repeats his tired and dishonest old bullshit about the 2nd Amendment being the subject of enduring debate is this:

Whenever and wherever there are infringements or attempts to infringe upon the Constitutional Gun Rights of law abiding citizens, it is directly traceable to the Liberal Left. In this country, this is almost entirely the Liberal Left Democrats that King supports and defends.

If any Judges on the Supreme Court are activist, and makes law rather than interprets whether the law is in accordance with the Constitution, then that simply means the Justices guilty of that behavior have violated their oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Unfortunately, many Justices flat out lie during their confirmation hearings. But dishonest people like King are fine with lying and liars so long as it helps to advance their agenda. This is not just my opinion... King has actually admitted as much on several occasions. This is from his post #389019 on 1/2/2015:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Since liberals are smiling and lying, and conservatives moaning and groaning as hard-done-bys, here's hoping for a happier New Year for members who learn from the liberals how to improve a country by telling little lies.

Everyone lies one way or another. It's absurd for the educated in the 21st century to believe one ideology fits all, and pure fantasy to say that one is purer, more virtuous than the others as fundamentalists everywhere do.

I've said it before, and it bears repeating again. You simply cannot debate or have a civil discussion with a liar. And when someone is so entrenched in their lies as to deny their own words, and to deny that black is black or white is white, only mental illness or pure evil can explain it.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.