Originally Posted By: King Brown
....the Second or constitutions or anything else won't give us the societies we want by themselves---that is, without the blessing and spirited support of the people....

....The only gun law moving in the right direction anywhere that I remember is Canada's quiet and uncontentious removal of long gun registration....

The US Constitution does give us the society that's perfect for the US that is a nation of laws. It is the spirit progressives who bless us with secular ideology that wreck our laws by selective enforcement and appoint activists to the bench. In other words, two of the three branches of our government have been corrupted against the laws established by the will of people through their representatives in the legislative branch. I thought you knew that?

I'm sure you're aware of it, but to save children and protect minorities and immigrants, or some such like that, the US passed the 'Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994'. There was a subsection of that law, the 'Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act' that was allowed to sunset after ten years in a quiet and uncontentious manner because an objective look at it revealed that it was a completely ineffective knee jerk emotional attachment to the law. It was clearly a move in the right direction for any law, and by luck, it sunset at a time when court activist judges weren't imposing their individual unilateral feelings on law abiding citizen in quite as bold a manner.

Today? We were a gnats eyelash away from having a hillery tilted Supreme Court upholding a lower court blocking of the sunset. I thought you knew that?