It appears from your last 20-some posts that your own "better idea" is denigrating Trump, Republicans, and the NRA... along with childish trolling and attempts to disrupt this thread by starting a shit-storm.

It hasn't worked like it used to, did it Stevie? You could have spent all that time e-mailing your concerns to the White House and your elected representatives, but you chose another path today. I surely hope your customers pay close attention to the little charade you played here today. Very educational and revealing!

I'm not making any excuses for ANY Republican who gives up ANY ground to the anti-gunners. But if Trump stands firm in the end, those dishonest polls and public sentiment you are so concerned about only get worse in YOUR eyes. And if he gives up any ground at all, we will have you gleefully posting your links to show what a bad guy he is... as you just did once again.

But in all this time, we have not seen one single link from you to show the much more extreme measures your Liberal Left Democrats are pushing. Those are things you mock as conspiracy theories... even as you admit to allowing ATF Agents to photograph your FFL Bound Ledger Books.

Originally Posted By: SKB
In Alaska(Walter Earl's shop I believe) The ATF agents wanted to take his books from his shop and make copies. He fought them and I think he won.

In my shop my books had pictures taken of them.

Originally Posted By: SKB
I did not build my business by catering to wingnuts like yourself. How is life in the bunker lil k? Get all your provisions buried for Armageddon?

You could help by providing some better ideas, contacting Trump and your representatives, and donating to the NRA. But we can all see that you'd rather play this childish game of attempting to disrupt another gun rights thread. That's not any fraud or twisting from me. Your last 20-some posts here betray you Stevie.

Thank you for proving my point. Here's another evil right wing conspiracy theory-- Advertising for the 2017 Australian National Firearms Amnesty. That's not an AR-15 in the ad Stevie. The anti-gunners are playing the long game too!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.