Originally Posted By: L. Brown
....My, my. Anything more recent than 7 years ago....

....those earlier terrorist incidents you cited energized the government of Morocco to take more PROACTIVE steps against terrorists....

....And compared to Europe in general, we're doing pretty well in that area. But not--interestingly enough--compared to Morocco....

If Catholic immigration during the 1800's and life in Morocco during the 70's are on the table, seven years ago might not be reaching back too far. Heck, doesn't the intel say a western family could have lived quite safely around that same time in an Iran under the Shaw? And, look what happens when there's no proactivity and all enabling.

Regardless of your enthusiasm Morocco, would you take minor children and a wife there today, to live for two to three years? Yup, I know you're gonna say yes, but how many taxpayer dollars of your time would be dedicated to their security. Still, none of this has to do with the political mentality that would enable a European no go zone or a Chicago south side.

Are 'we' really doing pretty well or are we just lucky to some extent. Where enabled, don't we have somali thugs intimidating folks in middle class Mn neighborhoods, and documented sharia courts of law dotted through out the US? Didn't, just two days ago, the top kali law enforcement officer, announce that he's using the power of his position to punish, by criminal prosecution, law abiding US citizens if he feels like they assist federal law enforcement opposing their 'sanctuary' policy. The first no go US state?

No, I don't think the proactivity of Morocco has much to do with the French nanny state. Besides, enabling cultures can't stomach heavy handed security forces. You're claiming a bunch has changed over the last seven years in Morocco, are you forecasting that the US will be one sprawling ghetto in seven years?