Originally Posted By: Chukarman
Paradise lost.

I am a California native. Are there a lot of a$$holes in California? YES! BUT WHERE DID THEY COME FROM? Other states and countries. When I was born here, there were about 8 million people in the state. Now there are 40 million. The growth was from people wanting to take advantage of the weather and economic opportunities. People like you.

I am in Arizona right now working on acquiring property. I am bailing out of California. Of course, the people here in Arizona will all be saying, "Yeah, some a$$hole from California bought that ranch... paid too much and screwed it up for the rest of us..."

Carry on with your witticisms and snide remarks about a state I have loved all my life. 90% of you don't know whereof you speak. Fire away!

I think this would be the determining factor, once you acquire land in AZ are you going to try and introduce rules and regulations telling the natives what they can and can't do with their land, and generally turn it into where you came from? If the answer is yes then you will be an assholes!

Just a couple of months ago I was talking with a guy from California who was telling me about the assholes from California who moved in across from him...he had assimilated, the assholes wanted to change it!