For Bill, CraigD, TMair and all the other misinformed posters here, take a look at the attached article from WalletHub. This was referenced in an Atlantic article on the states' federal tax remittances vs federal payments to states, and was prepared by five respected professors from major universities. And don't come back with your usual crap about leftist professors. This is data and information, not opinion.

You may note that on the first table, "Most Federally Dependent States," California is ranked 46th overall and Montana (Bill!!!) is ranked #7. Lower ranking indicates higher dependency on federal money. You clowns who keep harping about other states subsidizing California need to pull your heads out of your keisters and get your facts straight. Geeze, I get tired of having to explain this stuff to you.

And this is a current article, Mar 21, 2017.