Your political opinions are about as useful as your double gun opinions Jagermeister ...

Absolutely useless, coming from a pretender who doesn't own one lousy double, and who doesn't hunt. But you're here about once every week or two telling us about buying up all the bismuth loads at your local Cabelas. Of course, you're also the same Libtard who repeatedly bashed Trump and told us how proud you were to vote for the anti-gunner Obama twice. And now you actually expect us to believe that you voted for Trump, who is against virtually everything you support. You, dla (sic), rocky mtn bill, and Dr. Wanker make quite a team, and illustrate perfectly the fact that Liberalism is a mental disorder. You support and vote for the Liberal Left Socialists who do all they can to deprive us of our gun rights... yet consider yourselves pro-gun.

You can't even be honest with yourselves. I wish we could quarantine everyone of your mind set in a place like Kalifornia where you could all tax the rich and middle class into oblivion and implement your liberal insanity and depravity unabated... just so we could watch how quickly it self-destructed.

Edit- I see you deleted your post Jagermeister, but I'll
leave my response to it anyway.

Last edited by keith; 01/04/18 11:12 PM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.