Got back from Pennsylvania last night. Lots of snow and cold makes for a very White Christmas for the family, but it still would have been fun just to get out and walk with a birdgun (even if it was just force of habit). Evidently, folks now pay real-money to stand in a super-refrigerated room (in warmer climes obviously) just to treat various afflictions? It supposedly re-sets your autonomous functions in your central nervous system, amongst other things. Seems a bit silly to me, but what do I know? I like to do it because it reminds me now of people and places long-gone. I like the sounds and smells and the memories it still elicits. It gives me a unique perspective that I don't seem to otherwise find (it also gets me out of a small house, full of adolescents).

This year was a bit different, however...

Last edited by Lloyd3; 01/02/18 02:11 PM.