I'm out In Africa for a little while, yet again, 73 years old, and look with dismay on the wreckage of a very professional double-gun site. Please stop the BS.
-- There are trolls here who delight in provoking...it's their morning high-their coffee. And no one really knows what guns they've bought, sold whatever...the only clues anyone has are the insights they provide on the subject matter at hand.
-- And there are the bulls who respond to the red cape foaming at the mouth with repetitive fulminations and who are as destructive as the trolls with endless rantings that only feed the former.

I know this is the internet and probably modern America - but for the love of God, grow the F-up and stop it. We know when a dispute over double-guns is informative (I loved the exchange between Ted and Larry on a possible "R" powder in late 19th century French Guns) and when it's just personal "look-at-me" claptrap.

I guess posting this was just as useless as any internet plea.... but if there is stupid on one side there will be the mirror effect on the other. Oh well. get to it..enjoy. Nothing else to do...or you could be out shooting.

Or I guess I could just block a ranter...but then I might miss the one thing he says in 50 posts which is informative and not personal or political. - unless of course the troll and the bull are the same person - it's happened before.

Last edited by Argo44; 11/22/17 08:11 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch